Friday, February 18, 2011


The Rodent to Rodent concert is tomorrow. My two girls, Alexis and Kristie are driving up from L.A. tonight to help out. Last night Ian and Matt were over working with me on the programs. I'm going to run down to Crazy Copy today and get the shirts and also see about getting a HUGE ass R to R poster for the lobby. Matt is making the hand stamps for the door people - you know like at a big rock show where they stamp your hand.

My sons Zak and Matt are, of course, performing in the concert. My kids are so talented that it's scary. But I must mention - and say a great big, heartfelt THANK YOU - to their brother Ian, whose role in this is as important as any musician. Ian built the website and had been pivotal in any part of this that has anything to do with computers, the internet and all that wonderful technological stuff. What usually happens is I say: "I need this..." and Webmaster Ian Lee Grinstead makes it happen. So...thank you, son, for your knowledge, skills, creativity and patience.

I don't often have the opportunity to enjoy the company of all 5 of my offspring at the same time. The concert will be only the 3rd time since Matt joined the fold back in '09 that the "Fab Five" will be together. For me that's as exciting as the show itself.
The Fab 5 - Zak, Alexis, Ian, Kristie and Matt - July, 2010

Just a few things left to do. This has been quite a ride. Let's rock.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dress Rehearsal Pics

Robin stands before the mighty tower of sound

Sparky prepares his big solo number

Jonathan Mann, the once and future host

Zak strikes a few blows for, or maybe against, the empire

Jim strikes a thoughtful pose

Ami shows the rest of the world how it's done

Ken brings the noise

Matt and band in full, if somewhat blurry, flight

The world accordion to Matt

Monday, February 14, 2011


I'll post pictures as soon as I get 'em.

Dress rehearsal was yesterday. Matt arranged for us to use the theater at CSUH and we went through the show - twice. What a day! For the first time both bands got to see what the other is doing. Zak had been sick for the last few days but he rallied and came through for the rehearsals - as I write this he's had a bit of a relapse and is on bed rest.

Work is still progressing on the "album" and we're anticipating it will be ready for the show. We are extremely grateful for the interest friends and fans have shown in this project - ticket sales have exceeded our expectations and we're looking  forward to putting on a great show.

Rodent to Rodent. This has come to life in a way I would never have imagined. Everyone has worked so hard to bring this music to life...for me...for Matt....and for Nancy. Thanks. See you at the show!

Friday, February 11, 2011

So, here is the video Jonathan Mam put together - a mini-doc, if you will, about the concert - which is a little over a week away.

Dress rehearsal is this weekend. Matt, Jonathan and I were at the hall today putting up the curtain that Matt so generously fixed. Zak's under the weather right now - he's got a pretty bad little bug goin' on - and may miss it, but I'm sure he'll be fine by showtime . Drink plenty of fluids, Zak, and get lots of rest.

Ticket sales are hovering around 100, so we can squeeze a few more in! You can still get your tix online. See you there!

- Sparky

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jon Mann is preparing a mini documentary about the project. Should be ready pretty soon.

In the meantime, I realized this video was never posted on the blog, oops.

Rodent to Rodent: Matthew Joseph Payne sessions from Matt Payne on Vimeo.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Soundwave Studios, 1/16/11

Here's the video Sparky and Greg put together - GOTS rehearsing the Rodent to Rodent material. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Soundwave Sunday Morning

This morning I was up at the crack of dawn. I was also up at the dawn of crack, but that's another story....

Sparky tunes - Mikey and Zak chat

GOTS took over the stage room at Oakland's Soundwave studios this morning to run through the Rodent to Rodent set. If you were imagining how much fun in was - if you could imagine that much fun - you couldn't imagine the fun we had because it was unimaginable!
You don't mess around with Jim
Jim brought his entire arsenal of two basses plus his ultra-awesome bass rig. It's got BOOM goin' on. Jim, of course, plays drums for the mighty Backorders but holds down the bottom for GOTS. "One day", he says, "I've gotta learn the names of all these notes..." Now, that's rock 'n' roll!!

I want to again thank those of you who have purchased your tickets - and I want to remind those of you who haven't - and there's a lot of you - to order yours now! You'll save 3 bucks off the door price. And we'd really like to see you there. This could very well be the only time Rodent to Rodent is presented this way.
Sound check!! Cool rug.
I am really thrilled by how things are progressing. This was the very first time that GOTS got up on a stage together and we are playing together like a bandy band band! Something very unusual happened at rehearsal - I broke a string! THAT'S ROCK 'N' ROLL!!! YEARGH!! Also I got reacquainted with Soundwave's owner, Al, who used to rent rehearsal space to my band back in '85!
Special, very patient, guests - The Lovebirds

I am very fortunate to have these talented and willing people in my musical life. The GOTS auxiliary, Greg Reznick and Robin Famous - you may know them from the mighty Backorders - are bolstering the sound with guitars and keys and voices. Robin in particular is displaying untold courage and patience, tackling unfamiliar instruments and learning material that is just ever so slightly out of her comfort zone. Greg, of course, besides being the commander-in-chief of the Martin Army, continues to be thoughtful and level-headed when I am anything but.
Mikey prepare to unleash the magic trumpet. Or maybe he's putting it away.

Mikey is our front man, dramatic centerpiece and the lightning rod for all of our hopes and dreams. He and I are writing songs for the next phase of the musical legend-in-the making that is GOTS. He's got the moves, the 'tude and, most of all, teen appeal. We are not making him do this. He wants to be in a band with his dad, his step-mom, his crazy uncle, his cousin and Jim.
Zak Grinstead: "You know what happens this year? I get my permit."

Zak is the beating heart of GOTS. Zak is not the least bit intimidated by the fact that his dad and two eldest sibs are accomplished drummers. He has invented his own style of playing that he calls "The way I play" and it perfectly suits the music of GOTS. Is it controlled chaos or chaotic control? Is it either or neither? Is it really possible to bake four-and-twenty blackbirds in a pie? And why not just say "twenty four"? This is the kind of stuff I think about sometimes.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

recording is done

Meet Dan. Dan is awesome.

What you can't see on Dan's computer screens is some awesome-sounding music which is a part of Matthew Joseph Payne's "Rodent to Rodent", which is now officially completely finished being tracked. Isn't that great? I'm pretty excited. All that's left is mixing, art, all that good stuff. Of course, it won't be available until Feb 19th. But you're patient, right? You can handle that.

Had a great time seeing Judgement Day and Arnocorps last night. Also preparing for a late Jan. performance with The Family Crest and getting ready to release some music with a new project, The Glowing Stars. I can't sit still, you know.

Anyway, have you bought tickets for the Rodent to Rodent show? If not, you should. They're like, discounted and stuff.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Movin' Right Along

Hi. Sparky here.

The first Muppet Movie had a song called "Movin' Right Along". Kermit and Fozzie Bear sang it while they were driving somewhere. Paul Williams (wadaya mean "who's Paul Williams?") wrote the songs for that movie. One of 'em was even a moderate hit. It was called "Rainbow Connection" You know you remember it.

Thank you to everyone who's bought tickets. There's still time to save 3 bucks and get your tickets in advance....but pretty soon we're gonna be down to the proverbial wire. One of the many Buffalo Springfield (wadaya mean "who's Buffalo Springfield?") retrospectives that came out - maybe even the first one - had an unreleased song on it called "Down to the Wire". I don't mean the first greatest hits compilation - that was titled Retrospective - but the first real retrospective. I bought it, of course, but was real disappointed. It was a 2-record set and it mostly had stuff that had already been released. There was an extended version of "Bluebird" that was just a long boring guitar solo with Steve Stills yelling "awwriiite! awww yeah!" and the aforementioned  "Down to the Wire" but that was about it. Buffalo Springfield retrospectives always leave out the song "In The Hour of Not Quite Rain" which is one of my favorites. apparently there was some sort of contest and a fan got to have her poem put to music and recorded by the band. Ritchie Furay did the honors. I like it, but I may be the only person who does.

So it's been a cold winter. It's cold now. Colder that "normal". As I write this it's 11:30 at night and I'm up because Zak has gone to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show and I have to pick him up in two hours. Remember Counting Crows? Are they still around? They did a song called "Long December". When I was writing about how cold it's been (wadaya mean "How cold is it?" It's so cold...) that song popped into my head. That band was always one of my guilty pleasures. I don't like them - I think their music is pretentious and overblown....yet I like them....probably because their music is pretentious and overblown. I don't like Paul Simon because he's a smug little jerk, but I like some of his songs...I can only listen to his songs when someone else is singing them. Someone else who's not a smug little jerk.

The way the show seems to shaping up - I may have said this before but maybe not - Get Off the Stage! is going to take a very basic approach to the music and leave the elaboration to Matt and company. Boy, this is gonna be fun! Thanks to all of you who've gone ahead and purchased your tickets. See my turntable? I haven't had one of these things in the house for a few years. I mentioned this to Matt over Christmas and he promised to find me one. And here it is! Thanks, son. I brought out my Tom T. Hall albums. I used to have dozens of Tom T. Hall albums, but I lost them when my first marriage came to an acrimonious end. She (first wifey) kept my Tom T. Hall records out of spite. So I've bought a few on Ebay but I know I'll never find 'em all. Heck, I can't even remember half of 'em!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Here's links to the Pirate Cat Radio Rodent to Rodent concert with Sparky at M.J.P.!

Now that the holidays are over, folks, it's time to scoop up your R2R advance tickets!

Rodent to Rodent Interview Part One

Rodent to Rodent Interview Part Two