Hi. Sparky here.
The first Muppet Movie had a song called "Movin' Right Along". Kermit and Fozzie Bear sang it while they were driving somewhere. Paul Williams (wadaya mean "who's Paul Williams?") wrote the songs for that movie. One of 'em was even a moderate hit. It was called "Rainbow Connection" You know you remember it.
Thank you to everyone who's bought tickets. There's still time to save 3 bucks and get your tickets in advance....but pretty soon we're gonna be down to the proverbial wire. One of the many Buffalo Springfield (wadaya mean "who's Buffalo Springfield?") retrospectives that came out - maybe even the first one - had an unreleased song on it called "Down to the Wire". I don't mean the first greatest hits compilation - that was titled
Retrospective - but the first real retrospective. I bought it, of course, but was real disappointed. It was a 2-record set and it mostly had stuff that had already been released. There was an extended version of "Bluebird" that was just a long boring guitar solo with Steve Stills yelling "awwriiite! awww yeah!" and the aforementioned "Down to the Wire" but that was about it. Buffalo Springfield retrospectives always leave out the song "In The Hour of Not Quite Rain" which is one of my favorites. apparently there was some sort of contest and a fan got to have her poem put to music and recorded by the band. Ritchie Furay did the honors. I like it, but I may be the only person who does.
So it's been a cold winter. It's cold now. Colder that "normal". As I write this it's 11:30 at night and I'm up because Zak has gone to see
The Rocky Horror Picture Show and I have to pick him up in two hours. Remember Counting Crows? Are they still around? They did a song called "Long December". When I was writing about how cold it's been (wadaya mean "How cold is it?" It's so cold...) that song popped into my head. That band was always one of my guilty pleasures. I don't like them - I think their music is pretentious and overblown....yet I like them....probably because their music is pretentious and overblown. I don't like Paul Simon because he's a smug little jerk, but I like some of his songs...I can only listen to his songs when someone else is singing them. Someone else who's not a smug little jerk.
Turntable |
The way the show seems to shaping up - I may have said this before but maybe not - Get Off the Stage! is going to take a very basic approach to the music and leave the elaboration to Matt and company. Boy, this is gonna be fun! Thanks to all of you who've gone ahead and purchased your tickets. See my turntable? I haven't had one of these things in the house for a few years. I mentioned this to Matt over Christmas and he promised to find me one. And here it is! Thanks, son. I brought out my Tom T. Hall albums. I used to have dozens of Tom T. Hall albums, but I lost them when my first marriage came to an acrimonious end. She (first wifey) kept my Tom T. Hall records out of spite. So I've bought a few on Ebay but I know I'll never find 'em all. Heck, I can't even remember half of 'em!